2 UMMA Objects
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This ovoid tureen stands on four curved, leaf-like feet that sprout upward and join together to form a pair of handles at either end of the vessel. The body of the tureen, composed of gentle undulating curves, is decorated with bright red and yellow flowers and leaves painted with overglaze enamel. A scallion, modeled in relief, rests bundled together with sprigs of parsley on top of the lid, introducing a playful trompe-l'oeil element. An onion forms the knob on the top of the lid.
French (French (culture or style))
Tureen with floral patterns and glass knob
1745 – 1755
The Paul Leroy Grigaut Memorial Collection
This oval-shaped ceramic vessel features a wide, steep rim surrounding a large well in the center. The scalloped edges of the rim are cut back into a deep semicircle on one side. The rim is painted in underglaze blue and yellow with plant and floral motifs that are arranged in a whimsical, asymmetrical fashion around the edge. The well is decorated with similar vegetal motifs and two vaguely stork-like birds with long legs that confront one another on a strip of turf.
French (French (culture or style))
Barber's basin with birds and vegetal ornament
1745 – 1755
The Paul Leroy Grigaut Memorial Collection